User Guide


Restaurant Daily Report is a CLI app that generates a whitepaper, summarizing the internals of a restaurant. It’s aim is to provide restaurant owners a quick overview of how their restaurant is performing daily so that restaurant owners can better manage their business operations.

As such, the daily report will include these categories:

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest version of Restaurant Daily Report from here.


Add menu items, ingredients and reservations.

* words in UPPERCASE: parameters
* parameters in [ ]: optional parameters
* parameters in { | }: at least one of them
* sequence of the parameters can be changed


Add menu items, ingredients, and reservations.

Add menu item: add dish

Add ingredient into stock: add stock

Add reservation into list: add reservation

The DATE must be in yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm format. The NUMBER_OF_GUESTS must be a non-negative integer.


Delete menu items, ingredients and reservations.

Delete menu item: delete dish

Delete ingredient in stock: delete stock

Mark reservation as invalid: delete reservation

Mark reservation as served: mark reservation

Cannot mark the reservation as served if the reservation is originally invalid.


List items in the menu, stock and reservations.

Search items in the menu, stock and reservations.

Search for dish: search dish

Search for stock: search stock

Search for reservation: search reservation

The DATE must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. The RESERVATION_NUMBER must be a non-negative integer.


Add daily sales and calculate profit

Sell item : sell item

Generate Profit : calculate profit

Calculates the net profit from all the sold dishes. DO ENSURE that the ingredients in the dishes ARE ALSO in the stock as well.

Prints the most popular dish from the sold list.


Clear the stock or reservation list.

Clear stock : clear stock

Clear reservation : clear reservation


All dishes, stock and reservations will be saved to report.txt automatically after the program is exited.

Exit Program: bye


Dishes, stock and reservations will be automatically loaded when the program is started.

Command Summary






