Ned Ning Guan - Project Portfolio Page
The Restaurant Daily Report is a CLI application is designed for restaurant owners, who need a simple and efficient way to manage the operation of their business. Ideally, the owner would be proficient at using desktop apps and is a quick typer.
Summary of Contributions
Code Contributed
You can view my code contribution here
Enhancements implemented
Command Parser
- Ensures that each command is passed through correctly and calls the correct command to be executed
- Provides an error when users enter the incorrect command
Report Writer
- Writes the dishes, stock and reservations to ‘report.txt’
Sales class
Add sales
- Adds a dish that has been sold
- Includes error handling if the dish does not exist, command has incorrect formatting or if quantity is not an integer
- Informs the user if the dish has been successfully added or if there was an error
Calculate Profit
- Calculates the total profit of all the dishes sold
- Includes error handling if stock doesn’t exist or the profit is negative
- Prints out the total profit for the day
Find most popular dish
- Determines the most popular dish out of all sold items
- Includes error handling if there are no dishes
- Prints out the most popular dish along with its sales
Developer Guide
- Implementation and write up of generate profit of the day feature
- Product Scope Section
- Non-reservation related user stories
- Sales functionality for Appendix E
User Guide
- Updated user guide with all sales features
Team Contributions
- Actively participated in team discussion and brainstorming of ideas
- Assisted in troubleshooting issues